Tuesday, 21 June 2011

He is My Rock When Life Takes a Turn

Most of us expect that life will be mostly wonderful. That we will have happiness and fulfillment. That although hard times will come, we will work through it and quickly they will vanish and our times of joy will return again. It seems that we as women of faith have deceived ourselves into believing this lie. We are assured that there will be trials. We are assured that we will see valley’s. We may live in the valley for a long time. It is during these times in my life when more than ever my husband is my Rock! On the good days it’s easy to be solid. It’s easy to cling to our Savior and remember our purpose in life. It’s easy to be patient. Easy to listen. Easy to serve. Easy to embrace. Easy to love. But when life takes a turn it isn’t easy to be a Rock.

Since marrying Maurice just five years ago our lives have been a roller coaster. I was a single mom with a five-year-old daughter when we married. He took Grace as his own, adopted her, gave her his name, and calls himself father to her. Not something to take lightly. Over the last five years we have had three more children, moved at least 7 times all over the world, served as missionaries in East Asia, sold all our possessions-twice, and suffered one of the greatest trials a couple can face. Through it all he has been my Rock.

We were living in East Asia when our sixteen-month-old son was diagnosed with cancer, just under a year ago. Being a nurse myself I knew that this would not be a small bump in the road of life. We were entering a valley. A deep one. Within seven days we sold everything, packed up what we could, left our lifelong dream of ministry and moved back to the States. We were scared. We were angry.

Over the last year our son has had three surgeries, immeasurable pain, countless doctor appointments, multiple tests, scans, and hospital visits. Through it all he stood firm. When our other children suffered the loss of friends, belongings, familiarity, security, he was their security. When life was uncertain, our purpose felt distant, when money was lacking, when the valley was dark, he was our Rock!

When I hated God and my faith wavered, it was Maurice who remained strong. When I could not imagine loving a God who could allow this to happen to my Micah, it was Maurice that pulled me out of the trenches. When I was angry and in pain, it was Maurice who read Scripture to me; to remind me of who my God is. He showed me Christ’s love. He was the hands and feet. He held me as if I was in His arms. He was my Rock. His faith carried me. His belief in God’s goodness held me up. His belief in God’s power kept me going. When I was hurting, he was there.

I love my husband more today through the trials than I ever could have loved him through life’s joys. He gives selflessly, fully to our four children. He serves me in our home when I have nothing left to give. He wakes early to meet his Savior so that he can demonstrate God’s love to us. He stays up late when everyone else is asleep so he can learn Arabic so that one day he can teach Muslims the saving knowledge of Christ his King.

Everything Maurice does revolves around Jesus Christ. He knows his one and only purpose in life is to bring glory to our Heavenly Father. He does this by serving his family, serving others, and seeking to save lost nations, all for His glory. There isn’t much more to life than that.

Jesus Christ is my Rock. My husband is the next best thing! I love you, Maurice!!


Linda Ahern

Visit our page at CaringBridge for more of Micah's story: Click Here 


  1. Congrats on a close 2nd :). Great testimony!

  2. Oh my goodness. You guys are in incredible testament to God's love and faithfulness. I am so grateful for couples who are willing to put n the HARD WORK and not just throw in the towel when life gets really tough.

    Praise God for his steadfastness. What a great post!

    Praying for you!

  3. Clinging to God in the midst of so much...such evidence of your faith and His strength. This was very honoring to your husband and to our God.
    Will be praying for the June 27th check up and for little Micah (I love that name).

  4. Thank you for entering, Linda! Maurice is an example of true strength, integrity, and faithfulness. What a blessing!!

  5. Wow! What a testimony for you both. Hope you find continuing strength and unity. God is good.
